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I was thirsty,and you gave me water, I was hungry and you gave me food,I was cold and you gave me clothes and I was sick and you came to look for me,the master said. Then the disciples replied when did we do any of these Master? Then the Master replied what you do for the least among you,you do to me .
Life is more about the little things we do daily for the people around us,the helping hands we render to those in need. We should not lose hope in doing good,because it will always come back in good returns.
Mr Asamoah as he is called lives in Santa maria in Accra ,Ghana. He lives with a mental condition which doesn’t help him socialize as much hence tagged a ‘mad man’. He was identified by a good Samaritan in the person of Mr Solomon who also lived in that vicinity. He saw in him a person who can be well if he got the necessary help. And as such he mentioned Mr Asamoah’s case to us at Family basket to see how best we can help.
We did a close investigation about him and we discovered he was a working man,a teacher by profession and had a family as well. Years ago,he lost his job and his family deserted him,this caused a lot of depression making him unstable mentally as we found him. He now sleeps in the streets and is barely clothed ,not to talk of eating.
Upon finding out the cause of his condition ,we that is members of family basket took it upon ourselves to study how we can.
Steps taken
Executives appointed 3 member delegations to visit him as a way of learning more about his situation, according to the delegates he responded very well to them and had a cordial conversation with him
He was given food and was very happy we had come to see him. We realized from our conversation with him that he was much aware of himself and thus we can hopefully help him heal.
We started feeding him a three square meal a day as well as changing his clothes,we also decided that a meeting with a psychiatry doctor is necessary so he can have the medical attention needed.
We went ahead to buy a shaving machine for his hair and made efforts looking for a place he can stay and hence he will permanently move from the streets and also find a job for him.
A couple of months on, we still continue with his feeding, but unexpectedly he has refuse to get cleaned up and has refused all our efforts in trying to get him better. Nevertheless we are resilient in continually keeping an eye on him while we talk and pray for him to come around and get the help needed.
We want to assure us all we won’t give up on him ,keeping him in your prayerful thoughts will go a long way in hastening his healing process.
Absolutely, the uncertainty of life is one of its defining characteristics. No matter how much we plan or anticipate, unexpected events can shape our experiences in ways we never imagined. This uncertainty underscores the importance of living in the present moment, being adaptable, and cultivating resilience.
While we can't predict the exact details of what will happen next in our lives, we can choose how we respond to the changes and challenges that arise. This involves staying open to new opportunities, learning from setbacks, and maintaining a positive outlook even amid uncertainty.
Embracing the unknown can also be liberating, offering us the chance to grow, explore new possibilities, and discover hidden strengths. It encourages us to appreciate each moment and find meaning in the journey rather than solely focusing on the destination.
Ultimately, navigating life's uncertainties requires a blend of acceptance, courage, and a willingness to embrace the mysteries that make each day unique and full of potential.