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Mr Vandyke


A journey of  thousand miles, they say begins with a step, the first step of success in any endeavour one wishes to undertake starts with determination, zeal, and focus on a common goal.

Mr Vandyke was introduced to Galaxy Family Basket by a concerned member as an elderly man in need of assistance. He is a retired civil servant who lives alone with his daughter Celestine Vandyke. His condition of Living and his health were not of the best. He is a vegetarian, therefore he needs a good diet incorporated, with natural juices from fruits and vegetables.


With the initiative of recommending a walker for his support and exercises the members of the Rosicrucian Fellowship (Accra center) volunteered to buy the item for him since his mobility was impaired and it has been of great help since he got it. This helped him move around more often unassisted.

We also decided it was appropriate to contact his daughter after deliberating on the way forward. A team was appointed to visit Mr. Vandyke. After speaking with Celestine Vandyke [daughter] we recommended that her dad’s health can improve if attention is given to him. She readily accepted making us aware she would do whatever it takes to help. We started giving her money to get fresh fruits and vegetables to make it into juices for Mr Vandyke and also prepare nutritious vegetarian dishes. After 3 weeks his mobility improved making him walk about even without his walker and also his health generally improved. We bought him a second gadget, a pair of hand grips to help him develop muscles gradually

We regularly give tokens to the daughter to continue with the juices. He is doing very well and is thankful to “GFB”for our tremendous assistance in making him better. All these were possible because of all of your contributions and support in Kind and cash.

"There is time for everything" suggests a recognition of the natural rhythms and cycles of life. This concept often resonates with the wisdom of patience, resilience, and perseverance in facing life's challenges and opportunities.
Maintaining strength at all times doesn't necessarily mean being strong in the same way constantly. Instead, it implies a readiness to adapt and respond appropriately to the varying circumstances that life presents. Here are a few interpretations of this wisdom:

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